Unless you are WINE, Age does NOT Matter : BEYOND THE SESSION
“My mother was diagnosed with breast cancer when I was 31, she died of cancer 7 years later. I remember turning 57, I was with a bunch of girlfriends, and I said 'you know this is a special birthday for me because I never expected to last this long!' Because I made it longer than my mother did.
And so I figure every year now, every day, every anniversary, every birthday is a gift from what my mother had. My mother never got this. “ - Helen

Sabbatical : Where have I been?
I have lost count of how many times I thought I was ready to make a come back to social media after my abrupt departure a few months ago.
Just when I would feel ready, something new would derail me.
If 2020 was considered a challenging year, I am left speechless as to how to refer to 2021.